Our pledge. Please read and sign.

“Since 1948, Palestinians have endured an ongoing Nakba (catastrophe) of forced displacement, refugeehood, and exile; the denial of their right to return to Palestine; and an ongoing process of domination, foreign occupation, annexation, population transfer, and settler colonisation”.

(Al Haq, “Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism” 2022)

Pledge your support to make Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid-Free Zone!

We are a Coalition of organisations and individuals united to promote a city-wide response to Israel’s apartheid regime, as happened in the 1980s when the people of Sheffield proudly joined the struggle against South African Apartheid.

The crime of apartheid involves creating and maintaining the systematic domination of one racial or ethnic group over another. If you support our campaign, we invite you to take the Pledge Against Israeli Apartheid. It is now well documented and agreed upon by Palestinian and international human rights organisations that Israel’s rule over the whole of historic Palestine is based on a system of apartheid. We support the Palestinian struggle against it and are campaigning for Sheffield-based institutions and companies to sever all connections with Israeli apartheid.  

If you support our campaign, we invite you to take the Pledge Against Israeli Apartheid.


  • read and sign the Pledge below
  • circulate the Pledge to other individuals or organisations
  • contact us directly if you would like more information about the Coalition campaign or would like a representative of the Coalition to speak to your
    group or organisation.

Sheffield Trades Union Council
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Kairos Sheffield
Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine